
What is plugins?

One of good aspect of Grimoire feature is their high extensibility.
All of features can be extended and all of features we provide is implemented as the other users can do.
In the contrary, features provided by core of Grimoire is minimum. Even WebGL features are not included in core features.
Therefore, you will need to use plugins for using Grimoire.js for your application.

Previously we introduced some of easy samples, there were version information about Grimoire.js on console of your browser like this.

Grimoire.js v0.14.1-beta4

1 : grimoirejs-math@1.8.0
2 : grimoirejs-fundamental@0.12.6
3 : grimoirejs-preset-basic@1.8.6

To suppress this message,please inject a line "gr.debug = false;" on the initializing timing.

Most of our samples are using grimoirejs-preset-basic plugin. This plugin contains 3 packages to bundle. grimoirejs,grimoirejs-math and grimoirejs-fundamental is content of preset basic.

You can notice this fact via your log on your console.

  • grimoirejs-math
  • grimoirejs-fundamental

grimoirejs-math contains several math related classes such as Vector3, Matrix and so on. This plugin also register several converters like Vector3Converter for using in grimoirejs-fundamental or your applications.
grimoirejs-fundamental contains many components used for rendering with WebGL. This plugin depends on grimoirejs-math.

How can I create plugins?

Our plugins are just set of registering components, converters and nodes. These can contain the other classes used on components.
Users can create plugins with javascript simply. But, Grimoire provides good tools for scaffolding environment for plugins.

Our official packages are written in Typescript basically. This means users can receive tons of benefits if he use Typescript for development. Our scaffolding environment is providing Typescript environment.

grimoirejs-couldron is our scaffolder for plugin environment. This package is scaffolder and also is build tool for Grimoire.
You can install grimoirejs-couldron with the following command.

$ npm install grimoirejs-cauldron -g

After installation of the command, you can call cauldron command on CLI.

Scaffolding your project

You can run cauldron init command for scaffolding in empty folder.

$ cauldron init -n "grimoirejs-<your package name>"

All of grimoire plugin should have name which is beginning with grimoirejs-. Therefore, cauldron will show warning if you provides the name that is not matching our suggested name format. This command will clone our template project and rewrite some configurations on package.json.

After generating the folder, you need to install dependency from npm. Please execute npm install for collecting dependencies.

$ npm install

Then all preparations are done.

Build your projects

Our template contains some scripts on package.json initially. You can build or watch project with following commands.

$ npm run build

Bundled scripts will be generated on register folder on the project root. And several files used when the package was required from the other package is included in ref folder.
Do not rename these folder. These name is clearly defined in our plugin specification.

There are several flags to use build command.

  • env.browser・・・Generate only for browser(.js and map file will be generated)
  • env.npm ・・・Generate only for npm publishing to be required from the other packages(index.js and map will be generated)
  •・・・This should be executed when you publish your package. This will produce the files produced by env.browser and env.npm. And minified javascript for browser environment will be generated also.
$ npm run build -- --env.browser

Watch your projects

If you are used to modern web development environment, you would need to watch the files to bundle them immediately.
You can just call npm start. Watching also can accept all flags cited on build command.

$ npm start --

Scaffolding source codes

cauldron command also provides feature to scaffold components or converters.

$ cauldron scaffold -t component -n Foo
$ cauldron scaffold -t converter -n Var

src/Components/FooComponent.ts will be generated by the command on first line.
src/Converter/VarConverter.ts will be generated by secound line command.

These commands are just generating file. You probably need to add registerComponent from registerConverter in src/main.ts.

How to publish plugin?

You can publish your own package with npm publish.
Your package should contain src,ref and register folder. These folder is necessary for our plugins.

We highly recommend to use CI to check the packages are valid. Our official packages are basically managed with CircleCI.
These configurations must be helpful for you to grow your packages.